matýsek: how many will remain?
matýsek: i can really play on that :)
matýsek: enjoying water
matýsek: just me
matýsek: patka and me
matýsek: 1st profile photo was from this pic
matýsek: fight with my icecream
matýsek: it's rare to see me smiling
matýsek: martha from hamburg. she liked my music and i liked her...
matýsek: oh, what a beer!
matýsek: another rare pic. i'm working...
matýsek: surprised face
matýsek: just a pic from car
matýsek: just a boring photo
matýsek: last day with collegues in holland
matýsek: last cigarette with collegues
matýsek: just posing in some centerpark in belgium
matýsek: main street of amsterdam
matýsek: inside was so hot, so we watched ice-hockey championship outside
matýsek: it's huge, isn't it?
matýsek: i was there whole month
matýsek: i don't like to see me at photos
matýsek: watching formula 1 championship with colleague
matýsek: side street in amsterdam
matýsek: her titts were very cold
matýsek: with collegues at our cottage
matýsek: with this little wonder i was whole month online on internet for free. really
matýsek: this little goat was thirsty like me, but i didn't tried such foul water
matýsek: and that's my legs