Michael Darnton: Michael at his Houghton Daily Mining Gazette Desk
Michael Darnton: Liz Biesiot Wood Sculpture
Michael Darnton: Don Fortune, downtown Calumet MI
Michael Darnton: Downtown Calumet MI
Michael Darnton: Helmer Toyras and Oren Tikkanen
Michael Darnton: A Body On The Floor
Michael Darnton: Biesiot House, after a storm
Michael Darnton: Mr Jaasko's Generator Shop
Michael Darnton: Butch Gagnon
Michael Darnton: Chris eating dolls, c1980
Michael Darnton: Bessie and the house, 1982
Michael Darnton: Snowed, 1979
Michael Darnton: Chimney Sweep Descending
Michael Darnton: Game Night
Michael Darnton: Michael, mailed, June 25, 1980
Michael Darnton: VW on the snowbank
Michael Darnton: Dancing at the Fire Station
Michael Darnton: Folk dancing in the back yard at Ginger's house
Michael Darnton: Logging with horses
Michael Darnton: Steve Acciacca and his horses take a break
Michael Darnton: Bootjack Equestrians
Michael Darnton: Bootjack Equestrians
Michael Darnton: Del and his cat in the rain
Michael Darnton: Liz Biesiot and her cats
Michael Darnton: Liz and the small miner
Michael Darnton: Liz, at home
Michael Darnton: Annie framing the studio
Michael Darnton: Annie roofing the studio
Michael Darnton: Michael (me) in the garden
Michael Darnton: Mike Yukosavejevich in his garden