Explored!!!!!!! #178 ~To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring- it was peace ~ Milan Kundera
Tagged!! The groom lasted about 14 hours. *sigh* (he stayed nice from 5pm to 7am-til he got all wet on this morning's walk)
Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of late breaking dog news items, which, if they are especially urgent, are often continued in the next yard. ~Dave Barry
Not Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and Astor together could have raised money enough to buy a quarter share in my little dog ~ Ernest Thompson Seton
Puppies are nature's remedy for feeling unloved, plus numerous other ailments of life. ~ Richard Allen
The bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song ~ chinese proverb