Be good and carry a stick: Welcome Pumpkin
Be good and carry a stick: She's at ease even though she looks uncomfortable
Be good and carry a stick: Took to chewing a bone like a champ
Be good and carry a stick: Inquisitive and curious...not a spaz
Be good and carry a stick: Her favorite place to bask in the sun
Be good and carry a stick: Gigi thinks she's pretty--even with the scabby head
Be good and carry a stick: Within an hour of being in our home, she curled up fast asleep
Be good and carry a stick: Content to hang and chew a bone. See her pretty green eyes?
Be good and carry a stick: Her namesake, compliments of the Seattle Animal Shelter
Be good and carry a stick: She has good manners for a pup. She stares but doesn't jump.
Be good and carry a stick: Pumpkin had a blast at our annual pumpkin carving party
Be good and carry a stick: At the party, she tagged along wherever I went. Not stress, just wanted to be close.
Be good and carry a stick: Zonked out early.
Be good and carry a stick: That face. I kiss it even though it's scabby.
Be good and carry a stick: She makes eyes at Chaney who's making eyes at me
Be good and carry a stick: When she couldn't get in the hot tub, she perched here to watch
Be good and carry a stick: She watched Gigi play for an hour.
Be good and carry a stick: Hot tub watch and checking out the sunset
Be good and carry a stick: She's a beauty under that scabby skin.
Be good and carry a stick: 294792_10150413504411998_609436997_10405090_1478562379_n
Be good and carry a stick: I'm not here to cause any trouble. I swear by it.
Be good and carry a stick: Careful not to touch Buffalo's face.