Be good and carry a stick: First photos of Spatula: 10 weeks old
Be good and carry a stick: Spatula loving on Huey
Be good and carry a stick: She was a snuggler
Be good and carry a stick: She was a sun bather
Be good and carry a stick: She was a cutie
Be good and carry a stick: She was a traveller
Be good and carry a stick: Motoring up Ross Lake in the Cascades
Be good and carry a stick: The fountain at Volunteer Park on a hot day
Be good and carry a stick: Boating St. Augustine
Be good and carry a stick: The lovely eyes
Be good and carry a stick: First shot of Lindel
Be good and carry a stick: Lindel and Spatula were BFFs
Be good and carry a stick: Visiting the other Maggie in Tallahassee
Be good and carry a stick: Dressed for Lindee's wedding
Be good and carry a stick: Dressed as Batula for Halloween
Be good and carry a stick: Snow ball chaser and drift diver
Be good and carry a stick: Always at home at the beach
Be good and carry a stick: Sniffing the salty Oregon air
Be good and carry a stick: Cliff viewing in Northern California
Be good and carry a stick: On the California Coast
Be good and carry a stick: Fishing the Snoqualmie River
Be good and carry a stick: Happy as a Clam on the Oregon Coast
Be good and carry a stick: On a rainy day at Volunteer Park
Be good and carry a stick: With Buffalo as a pup
Be good and carry a stick: Swimming Goat Lake
Be good and carry a stick: Happy hiker after rolling in bird remains
Be good and carry a stick: Warming up in the Bubble Bath after a long PNW hike
Be good and carry a stick: On point at Deception Pass
Be good and carry a stick: Her favorite place and her favorite pet rock