taggit1ormor: Mourning Dove Couple
taggit1ormor: I eat even when my ear hurts
taggit1ormor: I can too eat upside down
taggit1ormor: NICE tail
taggit1ormor: Coming up
taggit1ormor: I'm back with my hurt ear
taggit1ormor: Damn her, my ear still hurts
taggit1ormor: Hey Fella, that's BIRD food
taggit1ormor: I watch you, watch me
taggit1ormor: Lunch interupted
taggit1ormor: Squirrel - 1
taggit1ormor: Squirel -2
taggit1ormor: Squirrels gota eat too
taggit1ormor: Out in the rain and Hungry
taggit1ormor: Chippy
taggit1ormor: Chippy Chipmonk
taggit1ormor: Chippy-1
taggit1ormor: Chippy-2
taggit1ormor: Deckster-3
taggit1ormor: Deckster-2
taggit1ormor: Deckster-1
taggit1ormor: Lunch on a Bread Plate
taggit1ormor: Goes Where I Go
taggit1ormor: Please, I Go With You
taggit1ormor: Deckster-6
taggit1ormor: Deckster-5
taggit1ormor: Deckster-4
taggit1ormor: Deckster the Red Squirel-3
taggit1ormor: Deckster the Red Squirel-2
taggit1ormor: BABY SQUIRREL