taggit1ormor: Welcome to lIs. of Skye
taggit1ormor: Growing out every where
taggit1ormor: Down and still growing
taggit1ormor: Limb by Limb
taggit1ormor: Iceland Fall Foliage
taggit1ormor: Maine Foliage-2
taggit1ormor: Maine Foliage
taggit1ormor: Hill top -3_stitch Poland, Maine
taggit1ormor: Without traveling
taggit1ormor: Maple Leafs to Be
taggit1ormor: Is it a work of Art
taggit1ormor: Woodland Basket, a 2nd life of moss and wild strawberrys
taggit1ormor: Fungus on fallen tree
taggit1ormor: Outa my tree
taggit1ormor: Lunch interupted
taggit1ormor: Reduced to just the bones
taggit1ormor: Not much left, but I'm still here!
taggit1ormor: What remains is just one tree-Pt 2
taggit1ormor: Early Fog Coating Tent Caterpillar Nests
taggit1ormor: Sap Buckets
taggit1ormor: Pileated Woodpecker-4
taggit1ormor: Pileated Woodpecker-3
taggit1ormor: Once I Was Magnificent
taggit1ormor: N.E. Apples
taggit1ormor: Ouch, that's painfull
taggit1ormor: I did not grow here
taggit1ormor: Farm Land Fall Foliage 3-stitch
taggit1ormor: Some sort of a Tree
taggit1ormor: Mountain Range to the West
taggit1ormor: All this color in one orchard