McShug: Getting some doubloons
McShug: Rock on
McShug: Uncle Sam
McShug: Britannia
McShug: Guy Fawkes
McShug: Old white beard
McShug: Elle Mostasho
McShug: Fair dinkum
McShug: Fire breathing
McShug: Fire breathing
McShug: Fire breathing
McShug: The Hoardes
McShug: The Hoardes
McShug: Steam Punk
McShug: Shades at night
McShug: The red blue and gold
McShug: Jigsaw
McShug: Showing a bit of flare
McShug: Blue hoops
McShug: Dads uniform
McShug: Blue man
McShug: Steam punk man
McShug: A swift half
McShug: Aye Aye
McShug: Standard bearer
McShug: Chestnut seller