McShug: Colditz Xmas Card
McShug: Colditz Xmas Card
McShug: Colditz the French tunnel bits 1991
McShug: Colditz the French tunnel 1991
McShug: Colditz excape ladder 1991
McShug: Colditz clocktower in 1991
McShug: Colditz in 1991
McShug: Colditz the French tunnel 1991
McShug: Colditz main gate in 1991
McShug: Colditz in 1991
McShug: Colditz parapets in 1991
McShug: Colditz clocktower in 1991
McShug: Colditz town in 1991
McShug: Colditz in 1991
McShug: Colditz in 1991
McShug: Colditz the score board 1991
McShug: Colditz inner yard 1991
McShug: Colditz the old kitchens and roofs 1991
McShug: Colditz the old kitchens 1991
McShug: Kennith Lockwood Returning to Colditz in 1991