Maryville College:
Monday Morning Kick-off Breakfast
Maryville College:
Preparing to build softball pressbox
Maryville College:
Softball pressbox in progress
Maryville College:
Softball pressbox completed
Maryville College:
Fayerweather rose garden
Maryville College:
Landscaping around the new soccer parking lot
Maryville College:
Landscapers in action
Maryville College:
Watering system for the nursery
Maryville College:
Treating the Hemlocks
Maryville College:
Trimming the ivy
Maryville College:
Extending soccer steps to parking lot construct cement island
Maryville College:
Soccer Steps Extension completed
Maryville College:
Some of the Archival Team
Maryville College:
Creating walkways
Maryville College:
Walkways in Fayerweather Parking Lot
Maryville College:
The Greaser Family
Maryville College:
After hours knitting circle
Maryville College:
Replacing the Wright House fence
Maryville College:
Refinishing Gamble Hall Floors
Maryville College:
Waxing Gamble floors
Maryville College:
Powerwashing Beeson Village
Maryville College:
Maryville College:
Painting powerwashed buildings
Maryville College:
More Painting projects
Maryville College:
Painting Alexander House
Maryville College:
After - Alexander House
Maryville College:
Wednesday night cookout
Maryville College:
Maryville College:
Maid shop uniform