mcoms: Two halves
mcoms: Opened up
mcoms: View inside the case
mcoms: Location of the mic
mcoms: The keypad
mcoms: The stock mic 'hole' — blocked up!
mcoms: Lining up...
mcoms: IMG_0017
mcoms: IMG_0018
mcoms: Thin, short speaker wires & new hole
mcoms: Keypad removed
mcoms: Spring connects the PCB to the main board groundplane
mcoms: Electrical isolation top left of the keyboard
mcoms: The keypad board and speaker
mcoms: The main board
mcoms: The keyboard PCB is ribbon clipped to the main board
mcoms: Belt clip plastic
mcoms: The belt clip plastic slides into grooves on the metal
mcoms: Slide the belt clip plastic
mcoms: Fitting the belt clip plastic
mcoms: The metal body wedges into the plastic
mcoms: The only two torx screws (T9)
mcoms: These screws just retain the plastic on the metal housing
mcoms: Radio body is complete
mcoms: Board inside the complete chassis
mcoms: These nuts lock the PCB & connectors in
mcoms: Thes nuts unscrew
mcoms: The antenna screws on as before
mcoms: The volume knob just pushes on
mcoms: Radio still powers up