McMorr: Childhood Home
McMorr: Open Barn
McMorr: Abandoned
McMorr: Porch Door
McMorr: Farmstead
McMorr: Church Frame
McMorr: Tracks
McMorr: Sepia Bins
McMorr: Work Building
McMorr: Blue Attic Windows
McMorr: once there was life...
McMorr: Inside Abandon
McMorr: School
McMorr: Standing Sad and Strong
McMorr: Barn and Hydrant
McMorr: Inside the Barn
McMorr: Barn Top
McMorr: Barn Window
McMorr: once thriving now ignored
McMorr: Abandoned House and Leaning Garage
McMorr: out of reach abandoned goodness
McMorr: Ware School Front
McMorr: Abandoned, but the Sun Shines In
McMorr: Abandoned Gabled House
McMorr: wating patiently
McMorr: Boarded Up
McMorr: old building on the farm
McMorr: The House
McMorr: rural school once
McMorr: Desolate and Destroyed