Wootang01: Meeting room - Oxford connection
Wootang01: Computer lab - green screen
Wootang01: Computer lab - equipment
Wootang01: Computer lab - Macbook charging trays
Wootang01: Computer lab - from the front
Wootang01: Board - classroom board
Wootang01: Classroom sign
Wootang01: Stairwell - history gallery board
Wootang01: Stairwell - history board
Wootang01: Board - BHJS newsletters
Wootang01: Pantry - marking exam scripts
Wootang01: Pantry - exam script boxes
Wootang01: Pantry - refrigerators and microwaves
Wootang01: Stairwell - student art
Wootang01: Stairwell - animal art
Wootang01: Canteen - today's special menu
Wootang01: Canteen - menu easel
Wootang01: Canteen - menu blackboards
Wootang01: Canteen - athletic equipment storage
Wootang01: Board - white house
Wootang01: Playground level - toilft boys
Wootang01: Playground level - caged windows and boards
Wootang01: Board - student union
Wootang01: Playground level - colored physical education lockers
Wootang01: Multi-purpose room - where the dance bars were
Wootang01: Multi-purpose room - from the back
Wootang01: Multi-purpose room - blackboard in back
Wootang01: Multi-purpose room - television stall
Wootang01: Multi-purpose room - wheeled table at front
Wootang01: Multi-purpose room - desks and chairs