Wootang01: David in the Stream
Wootang01: David Lounging in the Pool
Wootang01: Phil and Miki at the Pool
Wootang01: Miki on the Tube in the Pool
Wootang01: Miki and Anna in Front of the Pond
Wootang01: David and Anna Under the Bridge
Wootang01: Miki Flower and David Flower
Wootang01: The Easy I Gang at the Watering Hole
Wootang01: Miki in the Pool with her Tube
Wootang01: David in the Pool
Wootang01: The Easy I Girls
Wootang01: Anna on the Rocks
Wootang01: Capturing an Aqueous Moment
Wootang01: Phil, Sarah and Miki in the Pool
Wootang01: Phil in the Water
Wootang01: Miki Prepares to Cross the Stream
Wootang01: Miki Crossing the Stream
Wootang01: Anna Crossing the Stream
Wootang01: The Sky @ Mureung Valley
Wootang01: Drawing Portraits @ Mureung Valley
Wootang01: Holding a Dragonfly
Wootang01: Matthew Shoots and Rei Smiles
Wootang01: Rei Gives Us Four in the Creek
Wootang01: Sunny Prepares Rey to Float Merrily Down the Stream
Wootang01: Rey, Anna and Sunny by the Mini-Falls
Wootang01: Sunny and Ray in the Creek
Wootang01: Wet Rey and Wetter Sunny
Wootang01: A Temple Looms
Wootang01: Pagan Temples Amidst the Mountains
Wootang01: The Easy I Crew Drinking Virility Water