Wootang01: Holding a Dragonfly
Wootang01: Matthew Shoots and Rei Smiles
Wootang01: Rei Gives Us Four in the Creek
Wootang01: Sunny Prepares Rey to Float Merrily Down the Stream
Wootang01: Rey, Anna and Sunny by the Mini-Falls
Wootang01: Sunny and Ray in the Creek
Wootang01: Wet Rey and Wetter Sunny
Wootang01: A Temple Looms
Wootang01: Pagan Temples Amidst the Mountains
Wootang01: Anna Serious and David Serious
Wootang01: Clare, Sonia and David
Wootang01: Anna, the Kids and Me on a Ship
Wootang01: Anna Flower and David Flower
Wootang01: Our Christian Cell at Church
Wootang01: David Flower and Jane Flower
Wootang01: The Campers Strike a Pose
Wootang01: Conquering Jordan
Wootang01: The Ship on the Hill Looms
Wootang01: Serious David Contrasts Smiling SunHee
Wootang01: Group Photo @ Nabi
Wootang01: Smiling David and Smiling SunHee
Wootang01: Relaxed inside the Butterfly
Wootang01: Peace David, Snarling SunHee and Discriminating Joo Yeung
Wootang01: Peace David and SunHee with Poetic Joo Yeung
Wootang01: Peace David @ Nabi
Wootang01: Peace SunHee and Five-Fingered Joo Yeung
Wootang01: On the Bus to Seoul
Wootang01: Sheets in the HanZhong Dormitory
Wootang01: Miki at the Computer
Wootang01: Switching Glasses