McKenzie.: Something in the Water
McKenzie.: Burning sun ray
McKenzie.: Blue Lomond Shores
McKenzie.: The horse and his jacket
McKenzie.: The poor cold donkey
McKenzie.: Blades of frost
McKenzie.: Sky and Tower
McKenzie.: Sun or Moon
McKenzie.: Star and Planet
McKenzie.: The house in the blanket of snow
McKenzie.: Baby prams and dolls houses
McKenzie.: Snow on the back
McKenzie.: Snow into the distance
McKenzie.: Reaching for the sky
McKenzie.: The strings are strung so take me to the hay
McKenzie.: Electric mist
McKenzie.: The snow is melting
McKenzie.: The Curragh Tree
McKenzie.: Wicklow awaits...
McKenzie.: Into the distance
McKenzie.: Nuts and Bolts
McKenzie.: Photographer on the bridge
McKenzie.: I walk alone
McKenzie.: Ladybug Ladybug
McKenzie.: Mono
McKenzie.: Sligo