Stephen J McIntyre: ARP 316, Hickson 44 - 2012-04-13
Stephen J McIntyre: Abell 1656 - Coma Cluster - 2015-05-18
Stephen J McIntyre: Abell 2151 - 2011-07-04
Stephen J McIntyre: Hickson 92 - Stephan's Quintet - Closeup - 2009-11-12
Stephen J McIntyre: Hickson 92 - Stephan's Quintet Closeup - 2012-11-19
Stephen J McIntyre: Hickson 92 - Stephan's Quintet Wide Field - 2012-11-19
Stephen J McIntyre: M31 - Andromeda Galaxy - 2010-11-08 v4
Stephen J McIntyre: M31 - Andromeda with Hubble's M31_ V1 - 2017-01-15
Stephen J McIntyre: M31_V1 - Locator
Stephen J McIntyre: M31_V1 Comparison - H335H and an HD11 Image
Stephen J McIntyre: M33 - 2011-12-29 - v4
Stephen J McIntyre: M33 - Pinwheel - 2010-02-08 - v3
Stephen J McIntyre: M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy - 2011-05-24 - v3
Stephen J McIntyre: M65, M66, NGC3628 - Leo Triplet - 2010-04-12
Stephen J McIntyre: M74 - 2010-12-09 - v2
Stephen J McIntyre: M81-M82 - Bodes Nebula - 2014-04-24
Stephen J McIntyre: M82 -SN 2014J - 2014-04-24
Stephen J McIntyre: M84, M86 - Markarian's Chain - 2010-06-14 v4
Stephen J McIntyre: M95 - 2013-05-18
Stephen J McIntyre: M96 Group in Leo - 2015-04-17
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC2683 - UFO Galaxy - 2010-03-17 - v1 Cropped
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC2683 - Galaxy - 2010-03-17 - v1
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC2903 - 2010-03-15 - v2
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC3521 - 2010-04-13
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC4490 - Cocoon Galaxy - 2011-06-02
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC6946 - Fireworks Galaxy 2014-09-26 v2
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC6946 and NGC6939 - Wide Field - 2009-11-18
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC7331 - 2011-11-21 - v2
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC7331 - Closeup - 2009-11-12
Stephen J McIntyre: NGC7331 and Stephan's Quintet - Cropped - 2009-11-12