McGinityPhoto: Abbie Golfing
McGinityPhoto: Jack and Abbie in the maze
McGinityPhoto: Matt Raible at the Maze
McGinityPhoto: Owen Conely on the Swan River
McGinityPhoto: Matt Raible raft floating on the Swan River
McGinityPhoto: Matt and Owen rowing together :)
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McGinityPhoto: Where's Abbie's tube?
McGinityPhoto: Draught Works on the River!
McGinityPhoto: Owen and Dana Conley on the Swan River
McGinityPhoto: Mama Moose with her calves along the Swan River on our float trip
McGinityPhoto: KeAnna Conley tubing the Swan River with us!
McGinityPhoto: Abbie Paddling on the Swan River Montana
McGinityPhoto: Relaxing on Holland Lake
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McGinityPhoto: Montana is Love
McGinityPhoto: Chilling our feets with Joanna and Doug in Holland Lake
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McGinityPhoto: Abbie and Jack with Up and Over Kittens on Holland Lake
McGinityPhoto: Jamie playing Lake Frisbee on Holland Lake with MAtt
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McGinityPhoto: Claire and Trish at Holland Lake :)
McGinityPhoto: Cheers to our Monday arrivals!
McGinityPhoto: Matt, Trish, JCB and Doug at HHL :) Cheers!
McGinityPhoto: Matt, Trish, Claire and Doug Adams - Holland Lake Cheers!
McGinityPhoto: Abbie is happy to cool off in Holland Lake!
McGinityPhoto: Abbie splashing up some clean Montana water
McGinityPhoto: Joanna and Abbie resting on the way up to Holland Falls
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McGinityPhoto: Abbie happy to reach the top of Holland Falls!