mcgilldaily: HERMES (2014), Jacinthe Derasp.
mcgilldaily: Home, Annika Steimle & Rihab Essayh, and The Sound Station (2014), Jérémie Cyr.
mcgilldaily: Sandbox Series (2014), Terrance Richard, and Home, Annika Steimle & Rihab Essay.
mcgilldaily: The Sound Station (2014), Jérémie Cyr, and Murmures (2015), Luisina Sosa Rey, and Islands (2014), Stephen Brace.
mcgilldaily: Murmures (2015), Luisina Sosa Rey and Islands (2014), Stephen Brace.
mcgilldaily: The Sound Station (2014), Jérémie Cyr, and Murmures (2015), Luisina Sosa Rey
mcgilldaily: The Land I Can Afford (2014), Jonathan Theroux.
mcgilldaily: Becoming Wave series, John Shukin.
mcgilldaily: Couples series (2014), Julie Villeneuve.