McGill Library: "Limoilou" Maison que Cartier habita. Centenaire Cartier. 1814-1914 (Country house where lived Cartier)
McGill Library: "MacDonald College" (Ladies Residence)
McGill Library: "Rapids King" Shooting Lachine Rapids, Montreal. Rapids de Lachine.
McGill Library: "Ross Memorial Pavilion and Maternity" - Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Canada
McGill Library: (No Title) Lachine Rapids - Sovereign.
McGill Library: ,,Salada'' Tea Building, Montreal.
McGill Library: 47: - Post Office, Montreal (Le Bureau de Poste)
McGill Library: 61 MONTREAL. -- Notre Dame street. Rue Notre-Dame
McGill Library: A.A.C. Camp on the St. Lawrence River.
McGill Library: Accepted Design for Montreal Board of Trade Building, Montreal, QUE.
McGill Library: Accepted Design for the Sun Life Assurance Co. Building.
McGill Library: Accepted Design for the Sun Life Assurance Co. Building.
McGill Library: Acme Headquarters, St. Elizabeth & Vitre Sts., Montreal, Can.
McGill Library: Acme Headquarters. St. Elizabeth & Vitre Sts., Montreal, Can.
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for Grand Trunk
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for Liverpool&London
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for London&Lancashire
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for Molson
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for Ogilvie
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for Ogilvy
McGill Library: Advertisement 2 for Royal Insurance
McGill Library: Advertisement 3 for Molsons
McGill Library: Advertisement Canadian pacific Railway
McGill Library: Advertisement Canadian Rubber Co.
McGill Library: Advertisement Drysdale
McGill Library: Advertisement for Amiot, Lecours & Lariviere
McGill Library: Advertisement for Bank of Montreal
McGill Library: Advertisement for Dominion Coal Co
McGill Library: Advertisement for Garth&Co
McGill Library: Advertisement for Gaurdian Fire