Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: The magnificent pipe organ in St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: The magnificent pipe organ in St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: The magnificent pipe organ in St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: The magnificent pipe organ in St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: the magnificent door in St. Flannan's cathedral
Rich McGervey: woodwork in St. Flannan's
Rich McGervey: woodwork in St. Flannan's
Rich McGervey: the famous stone arch in St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's beautiful old lock
Rich McGervey: IMG_6250
Rich McGervey: store in Killaloe across from St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: Crisi and the old boxer in pub entry, Killaloe
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's Cathedral
Rich McGervey: Crisi and the old boxer in pub entry, Killaloe
Rich McGervey: St. Lua ruins
Rich McGervey: Killaloe
Rich McGervey: St. Lua marker stone
Rich McGervey: Killaloe
Rich McGervey: Killaloe
Rich McGervey: St. Lua ruins
Rich McGervey: St. Lua's historical markers
Rich McGervey: Pub next to Ballina Catholic Church
Rich McGervey: St. Flannan's Cathedral from Ballina
Rich McGervey: IMG_6369
Rich McGervey: Ballina Catholic Church