Crazy with Kids: Girls' weekend mani/pedis
Crazy with Kids: Josie decorates eggs at home
Crazy with Kids: Maddie's "smile"
Crazy with Kids: Bill mimics Maddie's "smile"
Crazy with Kids: Josie with her s'more
Crazy with Kids: Crazy-eyed Maddie with a marshmallow dipped in chocolate syrup
Crazy with Kids: Goofy Maddie after too many marshmallows
Crazy with Kids: Josie at the bonfire
Crazy with Kids: Cousins
Crazy with Kids: The egg hunt begins
Crazy with Kids: Hunting for eggs
Crazy with Kids: Maddie
Crazy with Kids: Egg Hunt
Crazy with Kids: Maddie finds one that Bill had decorated the night before
Crazy with Kids: Josie finds one
Crazy with Kids: Trying for a family pic in the blaring sun
Crazy with Kids: Maddie must have played with them for over an hour
Crazy with Kids: Josie and a bunny
Crazy with Kids: Maddie and one of the bunnies
Crazy with Kids: Playing with bunnies