Crazy with Kids: Apatosaurus
Crazy with Kids: Gravity racing
Crazy with Kids: Watching the sound waves of her voice
Crazy with Kids: Silly girls in the greenhouse, learning about light rays
Crazy with Kids: Garage, garden and tree
Crazy with Kids: The barn and greenhouse
Crazy with Kids: Playing with magnets
Crazy with Kids: Astronaut Maddie
Crazy with Kids: Astronaut Josie
Crazy with Kids: Showing them how to do it
Crazy with Kids: Panning for gems
Crazy with Kids: Gems they found
Crazy with Kids: Gem Chart
Crazy with Kids: Little archaeologists
Crazy with Kids: Unearthing dinosaur bones
Crazy with Kids: Pretty good haul
Crazy with Kids: Digging for fossils
Crazy with Kids: Fossil chart
Crazy with Kids: Fossils they found
Crazy with Kids: Giant Sloth "Sid"
Crazy with Kids: Stan, the T-Rex
Crazy with Kids: Can't remember the name of this one, but I liked his spikes
Crazy with Kids: Erasmasaurus
Crazy with Kids: Sabertooth Tiger "Diego"
Crazy with Kids: Wooly Mammoth "Manny"
Crazy with Kids: Huge geode