Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
Daisy in the Sesame Street chair
Crazy with Kids:
She's a baby, but you'd never know it by looking at her.
Crazy with Kids:
Big and Little (soon to be bigger)
Crazy with Kids:
Daisy's seat
Crazy with Kids:
I couldn't find her at first, and then I looked behind the pillows
Crazy with Kids:
Big girl
Crazy with Kids:
She hardly looks like a 7 week old puppy
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
Little spotted nose and lips
Crazy with Kids:
A better pic
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
All of us except Maddie and Astrid
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
She likes to chew on my hair
Crazy with Kids:
Tired little puppy
Crazy with Kids:
Asleep under the kitchen table
Crazy with Kids:
Maddie likes to lie on the floor and let Daisy come up and lick her.
Crazy with Kids:
Little girl
Crazy with Kids:
Wearing her white boots
Crazy with Kids:
Helping Bill and the girls make dinner
Crazy with Kids:
Bill and Daisy
Crazy with Kids:
Meeting Daisy for the first time