Crazy with Kids:
The girls try to sneak up on a squirrel
Crazy with Kids:
Aunt Joanne and Josie
Crazy with Kids:
The gang's all here
Crazy with Kids:
Bill tries to catch him
Crazy with Kids:
Following the path of a honey bee
Crazy with Kids:
Funny-looking flowers
Crazy with Kids:
Look at those bugs
Crazy with Kids:
Chicken rider
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
They had to ride each of the animals
Crazy with Kids:
Uncle Todd
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
Bill and Grandma
Crazy with Kids:
Grandpa is silly
Crazy with Kids:
Bill in the orchid house
Crazy with Kids:
Crazy with Kids:
Odd looking ones
Crazy with Kids:
All the flowers were gorgeous
Crazy with Kids:
"Take a picture of us under these flowers"
Crazy with Kids:
More orchids
Crazy with Kids:
Very cool
Crazy with Kids:
Sound made the balls move around
Crazy with Kids:
Pitcher plants
Crazy with Kids:
My favorites
Crazy with Kids:
Coqui frog
Crazy with Kids:
Mr. Frog
Crazy with Kids:
Checking out the Japanese garden
Crazy with Kids:
Her frog turns into a prince!
Crazy with Kids:
She kisses a frog...