Crazy with Kids: Posing for the camera
Crazy with Kids: Josie smiles while Maddie tries to go potty up the trail.
Crazy with Kids: We're goin' on a bear hunt...
Crazy with Kids: Atlanta from a distance
Crazy with Kids: Bill is not amused
Crazy with Kids: Josie with cookie frosting on her mouth
Crazy with Kids: Self-portrait of father and daughter
Crazy with Kids: Maddie and Mommy catch up on the trail
Crazy with Kids: Rock climbing
Crazy with Kids: Peek-a-boo!
Crazy with Kids: Maddie hides
Crazy with Kids: Mommy is up in a tree
Crazy with Kids: Mommy and her girls
Crazy with Kids: Bill climbed the tree
Crazy with Kids: Josie says, "Ta-daaaaaa!"
Crazy with Kids: Mommy and Josie
Crazy with Kids: Alecia and the girls
Crazy with Kids: The Mcfamily, halfway up the mountain
Crazy with Kids: Hi, everyone!
Crazy with Kids: You coming, or what?
Crazy with Kids: She needed a helping hand now and then
Crazy with Kids: Miss Diva always had to run ahead on the trail. "C'mon, guys!" whenever we stopped to take a picture.
Crazy with Kids: Big steps
Crazy with Kids: Mommy and Maddie
Crazy with Kids: Bill with the girls