Costanza13: The Final Drop-Off
Costanza13: Henry
Costanza13: Angelina, Ellie and Owen
Costanza13: Alexa, Henry and Angelina
Costanza13: I need time to settle!
Costanza13: Michael and Miss Kari
Costanza13: Michael with his teacher, Miss Diana
Costanza13: Some of Michael's crew - Alexa, Ari, Michelle and Henry
Costanza13: Alexa, Owen, Michael, Ari, Michelle and Henry
Costanza13: Angelina comes by for a shot
Costanza13: Miss Kari and Michael, at the Thomas train table
Costanza13: Ellie wants a photo
Costanza13: Excuse me, I need to take this
Costanza13: Michael, Kaylie and Angelina
Costanza13: Monkey Puppet
Costanza13: Ari - One of Michael's buds
Costanza13: Angelina tries to give Michael a hug
Costanza13: Ari wants to join the "behind the couch" club
Costanza13: Partners in Crime
Costanza13: Cool Angelina
Costanza13: Angelina and Victoria
Costanza13: Angelina, Michelle, Victoria
Costanza13: A last hug for Miss Diana
Costanza13: Michael and his first teacher
Costanza13: Miss Kari steals a last hug
Costanza13: Entrance Hallway with Tropical Fish
Costanza13: A shot from my usual parking spot
Costanza13: Loving & Learning - Michael's First School