Costanza13: Family photograph-ing
Costanza13: 50% smiles
Costanza13: Zuad and Michael
Costanza13: 4 dark brown eyes
Costanza13: Regina speaks
Costanza13: Reggie
Costanza13: Dapper (but angry?)
Costanza13: You're never fully dressed without a... chupi?
Costanza13: Grandparents and granddaughters
Costanza13: Julia and Laura
Costanza13: Sisters
Costanza13: Big sis
Costanza13: Need a lift?
Costanza13: At church
Costanza13: So, you're saying he lives up there?
Costanza13: Michael, on the move
Costanza13: Water break
Costanza13: Got places to go
Costanza13: You coming, Daddy?
Costanza13: Snack break
Costanza13: Looking suave
Costanza13: On the hunt
Costanza13: Come here, birds!
Costanza13: Guess the birds don't want any goldfish
Costanza13: Empty cup, you're dead to me!
Costanza13: Daddy tries to grab a hug
Costanza13: Does your nose fold like this?
Costanza13: Nose doesn't move, let's try stretching the lips
Costanza13: Daddy sneaks a kiss
Costanza13: Daddy's boy