Costanza13: AJ and Dave, heading out to sea
Costanza13: The sun, the sea, the beer
Costanza13: Dennis under-predicts his haul
Costanza13: First catch of the day: lizardfish
Costanza13: Tiny lizardfish
Costanza13: My first sea bass of the day
Costanza13: We are men of the sea
Costanza13: D-Bevy
Costanza13: Hucker's line gets hit hard
Costanza13: How to catch a shark
Costanza13: Hucker's shark
Costanza13: Hooked in the fin, not the mouth
Costanza13: We decided to keep the first shark
Costanza13: Shark - it's what's for dinner
Costanza13: IMG_4032
Costanza13: This thing was huge
Costanza13: And then we caught his big brother
Costanza13: Ryan, the first mate, with Hucker's spottail
Costanza13: Too big to keep
Costanza13: Dan, Dan, fisher-man
Costanza13: Thinking, probably about beer
Costanza13: AJ tries a new look
Costanza13: AJ likes. Dennis? Not so much.
Costanza13: This bachelor party had belly dancing!
Costanza13: Pelicans
Costanza13: Preparing to dock
Costanza13: Our sea bass haul
Costanza13: Dinner
Costanza13: Dan is pleased with the catch