Costanza13: Smash the monkey
Costanza13: Backhand
Costanza13: It's OK, that's why he's here
Costanza13: Dad, he's watching us
Costanza13: Good swing, Ryan!
Costanza13: Jessie: Jedi knight
Costanza13: Olivia chooses Samurai style
Costanza13: Get him, Julia!
Costanza13: Future baseball star
Costanza13: Where did that thing go?
Costanza13: Alex tries to beat that monkey down
Costanza13: Tommy time!
Costanza13: OK, birthday boy, let's finish this
Costanza13: Flying monkey guts!
Costanza13: You were a worthy opponent
Costanza13: OK, who's next?
Costanza13: Lean into it
Costanza13: Jessie and Julia
Costanza13: Alex, Laura, Jessie, Julia
Costanza13: The replacement noses
Costanza13: The girls
Costanza13: Julia and Jessie enjoying the party