Costanza13: Maybe I should skip the cake today
Costanza13: Balloons!
Costanza13: Hey, come down here!
Costanza13: Let's see, grab these things...
Costanza13: ... and pull!
Costanza13: To catch a balloon
Costanza13: Let the party begin!
Costanza13: Happy Birthday boy
Costanza13: Happy Birthday, Michael!
Costanza13: When does the singing start?
Costanza13: Cheese!
Costanza13: Family celebration
Costanza13: Happy Birthday to you!
Costanza13: The face
Costanza13: What are you doing with that present, Mama?
Costanza13: Actually not an angry face
Costanza13: Hey, what's that?
Costanza13: It has a nose I can bite
Costanza13: Ooo, ears for pulling
Costanza13: Let's try opening a present
Costanza13: Favorite balloon
Costanza13: Mama, I'd like that part right there
Costanza13: What do these brown buttons do?
Costanza13: Press here for a tasty treat
Costanza13: No chocolate for you, yet, Michael
Costanza13: Hey, I can't reach my new toy!
Costanza13: Dad, I didn't know you were gonna kill it!
Costanza13: You see, it's all in the wrist
Costanza13: Cutting the cake
Costanza13: I want this piece