Costanza13: Michael and Aunt Danielle
Costanza13: Grandpa, your mustache tickles
Costanza13: Hi Grandpa
Costanza13: Grandpa, what's that on your chin?
Costanza13: Birthday girl
Costanza13: MAC, MCC, MAOC
Costanza13: Elayne and the kiddies
Costanza13: Lauren
Costanza13: Hey, can I get one of those menus?
Costanza13: Grammy, I think I'll have the fish
Costanza13: Regina and her grandson
Costanza13: Michael with Great Grandma Mary
Costanza13: Kim and her (favorite) nephew
Costanza13: Aunt Kim, what's so funny?
Costanza13: MAC and his mom
Costanza13: Michael and Mary
Costanza13: You get him when I'm done, and not a moment before
Costanza13: Haaaappy Biiirrrtthhdaaaayy tooooo youuuu!
Costanza13: 9 down, 80 to go
Costanza13: Neil and Diego
Costanza13: Kim C
Costanza13: Just-from-the-dentist smile