Costanza13: Meaty!
Costanza13: Mama, I've got my eye on you
Costanza13: You don't say
Costanza13: My new Baby Einstein gym
Costanza13: Lots to look at
Costanza13: On the de-pooping table
Costanza13: I really love Aunt Joann and Uncle AJ
Costanza13: AJ and Michael
Costanza13: I'm starting to like these two
Costanza13: You lookin' at us?
Costanza13: Aunt Jojo and me
Costanza13: Me and my Mama
Costanza13: Playtime!
Costanza13: Playing is serious business
Costanza13: Half-rolled burrito
Costanza13: This cuisine always knocks me out
Costanza13: Bath time!
Costanza13: Mama, I'm registering my displeasure
Costanza13: My mama looks fiiiiiine
Costanza13: Grammy and me
Costanza13: Yo! I'm hangin' out with my grandpa
Costanza13: Grammy, you had me at "bottle"
Costanza13: I hope my face is never as goofy as Daddy's
Costanza13: Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Costanza13: The family celebrates Daddy's birthday
Costanza13: Grammy doesn't know I have heat vision
Costanza13: Meaty paw
Costanza13: Booty-licious
Costanza13: I'm Mr Heat Miser
Costanza13: I like my nanny, Blanca