Costanza13: Leia in her bat costume
Costanza13: Leia as an angel, dressed up with the rest of us
Costanza13: Leia and Han (her man)
Costanza13: MCC and the babies
Costanza13: at least Leia's cute
Costanza13: Leia and MCC
Costanza13: mama loves Leia
Costanza13: Zuad and her girl
Costanza13: Leia goes bionic
Costanza13: bruising from ACL surgery
Costanza13: stitches from ACL surgery
Costanza13: OUCH!
Costanza13: where the IV went in
Costanza13: scratching looks painful
Costanza13: that's a big cut
Costanza13: after the stitches were removed
Costanza13: healing nicely
Costanza13: rub-a-dub-dub, Hand and Leia in the tub
Costanza13: Han and Leia and bubbles
Costanza13: can we get out now?
Costanza13: seriously, enough is enough
Costanza13: Leia as Han Solo, with "the Monnias"
Costanza13: Leia and Han welcome us home
Costanza13: Leia claims her spot
Costanza13: Leia shows her mama how to handle a toy
Costanza13: the babies get in on the action