Costanza13: on the Jersey Turnpike
Costanza13: we were supposed to be following them
Costanza13: Zuad in our cool room
Costanza13: Gina, Pete, and City Hall
Costanza13: Declaration House
Costanza13: the tour group
Costanza13: Mone, Juan, Zuad, Chad
Costanza13: Congress Hall and the line for the Liberty Bell
Costanza13: Liberty Bell
Costanza13: nice crack
Costanza13: more Liberty Bell and Independence Hall
Costanza13: Congress Hall
Costanza13: more Congress Hall
Costanza13: Independence Hall
Costanza13: George
Costanza13: Independence Hall
Costanza13: Old City Hall
Costanza13: Independence Plaza
Costanza13: Juan frolicking
Costanza13: oh look, another historic building
Costanza13: Washington Square
Costanza13: stay with the group, Juan
Costanza13: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Costanza13: thousands of soldiers...
Costanza13: carriage ride
Costanza13: another cool old house
Costanza13: Philly is pretty