McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: ...must also come down.
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Off road vehicles
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Sploosh
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: What goes up...
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Someone else's turn to hold the camera
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Ashlyn chillin'
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Tug driver
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Belly flop!
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2011: Catching tadpoles
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: It's Coming [5 of 6]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Not what you want to see on the 10th anniversary of "Pine Lake".
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: It's Coming [1 of 6]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: It's Coming [4 of 6]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lak 2010e: It's Coming [6 of 6]
McCormick Photography: Capty Ayre Lake 2010: Sunset, July 29, 2010
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: It's Coming [2 of 6]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: It's Coming [3 of 6]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2007: Sunset, Aug 4, 2007 [5 of 5]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2007: Sunset, Aug 4, 2007 [1 of 5]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2007: Sunset, Aug 4, 2007 [3 of 5]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2007: Sunset, Aug 4, 2007 [2 of 5]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2007: Sunset, Aug 4, 2007 [4 of 5]
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Immature Gull
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Getting the hell outta Dodge
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Roughing it
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Playing with fire
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Sand castle on the beach
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Pecker tracks
McCormick Photography: Capt Ayre Lake 2010: Tails, I win!