McCormick Photography: Two-seater revisited [1 of 2]
McCormick Photography: Good thing it's wheelchair accessible
McCormick Photography: Two-seater revisited [2 of 2]
McCormick Photography: Esther campground outhouse
McCormick Photography: Where no man will go again: Outhouse, Pell homestead
McCormick Photography: Remnants of two-seater outhouse
McCormick Photography: Mom & Dad: Outhouse, Campground, Esther AB
McCormick Photography: Two's company...
McCormick Photography: Outhouse, UGG Grain Elevator, Altario AB
McCormick Photography: Roland School & Girls Outhouse, Spring 2008
McCormick Photography: Jorgenson Homstead, Outhouse [2 of 2]
McCormick Photography: Old outhouse west of Hoosier, SK
McCormick Photography: Jorgenson Homstead, Outhouse [1 of 2]
McCormick Photography: Roland School 2010: Smokin' in the boy's room
McCormick Photography: Altario UGG Elevator March, 2010: Some asshat tipped the outhouse
McCormick Photography: Kent's reading room
McCormick Photography: Little outhouse on the prairie
McCormick Photography: Outhouse presented as fake Monet painting
McCormick Photography: Backyard biffy, Monitor AB
McCormick Photography: Snowstorm, Feb 25, 2012: Kent's Reading Room / Closed for the Season
McCormick Photography: Little Red Outhouse
McCormick Photography: Out of order outhouse, Clifford E. Lee Bird Sanctuary, Spruce Grove, Alberta, 2020-08-29
McCormick Photography: Some outhouse behind some church found on some drive, Somewhere, Alberta, 2020-07-19
McCormick Photography: When Your Crapper Has Gone to Sh!t, Sharples, Alberta. 2023-05-20