McCormick Photography: Got Milk? (2 of 2)
McCormick Photography: Storm, Apr 2010: Sucks to be Moo [2 of 2]
McCormick Photography: Glamour shot
McCormick Photography: Storm, Apr 2010: Sucks to be Moo [1 of 2]
McCormick Photography: How can you tell this is the playground of a rural school?
McCormick Photography: Haven't the foggiest notion
McCormick Photography: Gotta wash behind the ears
McCormick Photography: Happy moo year from the McCormicks!
McCormick Photography: Serious eye boogers going on here
McCormick Photography: January cattle move [2 of 2]
McCormick Photography: January cattle move [1 of 2]
McCormick Photography: Desperately seeking shade
McCormick Photography: Where the hell is that feed truck?!?
McCormick Photography: Cattle grazing with the Loverna elevator in the background
McCormick Photography: I call bullsh*t!
McCormick Photography: Got Milk? (1 of 2)
McCormick Photography: The Osborn Homestead with its yearly bovine infestation
McCormick Photography: They taste better than they look
McCormick Photography: Stop looking at me like you want to eat me
McCormick Photography: We got ourselves a convoy!
McCormick Photography: Express checkout? Like hell!
McCormick Photography: Blowing hard
McCormick Photography: Roll along, l'il doggies
McCormick Photography: Rolling Stop
McCormick Photography: She still has her umbilical cord
McCormick Photography: Being de-horned
McCormick Photography: Tying on the feed bag
McCormick Photography: What, no crossing guard?