McCormick Photography: Fire Weed East of Jasper, Alberta
McCormick Photography: Ewe lookin' at me?
McCormick Photography: Funeral Rose
McCormick Photography: Submerged Asiatic Lilly
McCormick Photography: Submerged Carnation
McCormick Photography: Pussy Willows At Sunset
McCormick Photography: Wild Dill in Black and White
McCormick Photography: Another Daisy
McCormick Photography: Moose! Again!
McCormick Photography: That'll Get Your Goat
McCormick Photography: Coming in for a landing
McCormick Photography: Female Blackbird
McCormick Photography: Pink something-or-other
McCormick Photography: Everybody duck!
McCormick Photography: Walking On Water
McCormick Photography: Dill Weed Silhouette
McCormick Photography: Ass end of the bargain
McCormick Photography: Everything's just ducky
McCormick Photography: Something or other kind of flower at the Devonian Gardens, circa 2004
McCormick Photography: Slipping into something more comfortable