mccheek: Coffees at Once Over
mccheek: Hotel room at Casulo
mccheek: Tattoo at Renegade Craft Fair
mccheek: Wild Grass against a wall
mccheek: Raining on the way
mccheek: Burnt trees from the wildfires
mccheek: Beautiful big sky
mccheek: Margarita time
mccheek: Going out to eat
mccheek: Light above our table at Lambert's
mccheek: Sunshine through the curtains
mccheek: Brushing teeth
mccheek: On the road again
mccheek: Hotel lamp
mccheek: Lonesome tree
mccheek: Burnt pines
mccheek: Burnt trees
mccheek: Burnt forest
mccheek: Shell station roof and sky
mccheek: Giant squirrel by the side of the road
mccheek: Green field
mccheek: Back at home with T Bone