Barry McBeth:
Snowy Bridge
Barry McBeth:
5th Birthday Party
Barry McBeth:
Barry McBeth:
Jennifer loves to go whale watching!
Barry McBeth:
Going out shooting tomorrow. The Wardflex is the weapon of choice.... #filmisnotdead #wardflex #tlr #goneshootin'
Barry McBeth:
Wardflex TLR with vintage tripod.
Barry McBeth:
Vintage Halloween Costumes
Barry McBeth:
Ice Cream To Go
Barry McBeth:
1953 Wardflex TLR
Barry McBeth:
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Barry McBeth:
Downtown Dallas086.jpg
Barry McBeth:
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Barry McBeth:
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Barry McBeth:
Downtown Dallas081.jpg
Barry McBeth:
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Barry McBeth:
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Barry McBeth:
Polk County Courthouse, Dallas, Oregon
Barry McBeth:
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Barry McBeth:
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