McBeth: Roller derby girls
McBeth: new meaning to 'spinning their wheels'
McBeth: going around the bend
McBeth: Cavalier cheering
McBeth: Your mascot wears army boots
McBeth: visiting team: the Tent City Terrors. Oh lala, a delightful view from the rear
McBeth: the visiting team: Tent City Terrors
McBeth: Mad Dolls roll out
McBeth: King Thong and Zsa Zsa LaGore, doll of discipline
McBeth: I never saw this nifty 3D view in that dumb painting.
McBeth: American Gothic mascots
McBeth: roller derby crowd
McBeth: Dairyland Dolls train
McBeth: Are yooooo rrrrready to rrrrrrumble?
McBeth: Mouse, positioned as Jammer, sweeps through
McBeth: halftime practice bout
McBeth: roller derby halftime practice bout flag dude
McBeth: rollerderby halftime entertainment
McBeth: halftime entertainment, rollerderby
McBeth: contest of the captains
McBeth: Peter Pannies of Dairyland Dolls blocking
McBeth: bellydancers entertain the throngs during halftime
McBeth: bellydancer during roller derby halftime show
McBeth: bowling for primates
McBeth: The bout begins
McBeth: King Thong acts as the finish line
McBeth: Tent City Terror Jammer calls for a timeout
McBeth: the score, early on
McBeth: Zsa Zsa LaGore supervises two penalizees
McBeth: roller derby crowd