MCaric: Sam and Amie and a fancy drink umbrella
MCaric: Scott and his foo foo umbrella straw.
MCaric: Yup, looks solid.
MCaric: Behind bars (finally!)
MCaric: IMG_0356
MCaric: Bouncer
MCaric: Micah arrives
MCaric: Only $5?!
MCaric: Matt enjoys a hearty laugh at someone's expense.
MCaric: John wearing a shirt that might be cool in Long Island. SLAM!
MCaric: IMG_0362
MCaric: IMG_0363
MCaric: Matt's spidey sense is tingling
MCaric: IMG_0366
MCaric: IMG_0367
MCaric: PBR ad
MCaric: Awww :(
MCaric: Cutie!
MCaric: IMG_0371
MCaric: Party peeps, need help with some names here
MCaric: Auntie Kei
MCaric: Uncle Ken
MCaric: 1 bucket down
MCaric: IMG_0376
MCaric: Happy Sam
MCaric: Anyone got a light?
MCaric: Delicious chicken
MCaric: Grilled mushrooms
MCaric: Nobody can do it like Grillmaster Kei can do it
MCaric: IMG_0382