Mc Shutter:
Wednesday's Sunrise -- Lake Emerald
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Thursday Sunrise
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South Florida Weather - Thurs. Feb. 16th
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Food Fight!
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Friday's Seagulls #3
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Up at the Crack of Dawn
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Here Comes the Sun
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Saturday's Sunrise - Bluer Than Friday's
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Livin' the Sweet Life
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Great Egret Waits at Water's Edge
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Monday's Sunrise - Feb. 20th
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Young Great Blue Heron Watches for Dinner to Swim By
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Sunrise - Tuesday, February 21st
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C'mon, Guys! .. .. Fair Catch .. .. It's Mine!!
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What Shall I Have for Dinner ?
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Snack Attack
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Sunrise - Thursday, 2/23
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Gull Practice -- Friday 2-24-06
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Immature Great Blue Heron in Flight
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ALLRIGHT Now, Kids! -- Don't MAKE Me Come IN There! -- Play NICE!
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Maybe if I Strike a Nice Pose, the Nut With the Camera Will Toss Me a Fish, Instead of That old Bread......
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Great Blue Heron Joins Coots at the Lake
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One Flew Over the Coot's Nest
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Gull Practice - Mon 2-27
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Ibis, Preening at Water's Edge
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Water, Water Everywhere...........
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Downward Tern
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Now, for Dinner on Shore!
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Oh-oh! - - Daddy's Home!