Maciek 1955: Exhaling...
Maciek 1955: The player
Maciek 1955: "Are you talking to me?"
Maciek 1955: the only taxi on the island breaks down
Maciek 1955: A new Adonis
Maciek 1955: Breaking news: Saddam's execution
Maciek 1955: salvation army band in oxford street
Maciek 1955: image.7208
Maciek 1955: a lone female passenger sleeping on the train at highgate underground station in london
Maciek 1955: snap. kite.inflight
Maciek 1955: Launching a kite
Maciek 1955: Up and away!
Maciek 1955: Mini and a scooter
Maciek 1955: A lady with a big head
Maciek 1955: Athens. Lazy dog afternoon.
Maciek 1955: Hercules of Donoussa
Maciek 1955: ti na kanume?
Maciek 1955: Where are we going, captain?
Maciek 1955: chess_pub_brussels
Maciek 1955: Joining hands
Maciek 1955: Staff meeting
Maciek 1955: Surprisingly in step
Maciek 1955: Making music (unplugged)
Maciek 1955: first puff of the day on the embankment
Maciek 1955: about that loan...
Maciek 1955: Write. Light.
Maciek 1955: Skipper 2
Maciek 1955: Skipper 1