swizzlevixen: 5pm Self Portrait Thursday
swizzlevixen: Seattle welcomes me with her rain and her Needle of Space
swizzlevixen: The Books Actually Exist
swizzlevixen: Cinerama
swizzlevixen: Zeeks Pizza!
swizzlevixen: The con follows me on Twitter
swizzlevixen: Needle of Space
swizzlevixen: Volcano Bowl at Hula Hula
swizzlevixen: It's italian for “Golizza”
swizzlevixen: Needle of Space
swizzlevixen: Ever vigilant.
swizzlevixen: The PAH app goes live in the App Store!
swizzlevixen: George Takei and Patty Duke go boldly to the Social Security office.
swizzlevixen: Puppetry at the booth
swizzlevixen: 5pm Self Portrait Friday
swizzlevixen: More puppetry
swizzlevixen: Sailor Moon and Ghost Rider
swizzlevixen: Jhonen Vazquez, whocouldn't be less enthused.
swizzlevixen: The $600 limited edition Kill Bill poster I was lusting after all weekend.
swizzlevixen: 5pm Self Portrait Saturday
swizzlevixen: Matt and AAl get mauled by a bear (played by Sabrina)
swizzlevixen: More Mauling.
swizzlevixen: Stomtroopers disrupt the party during a random sweep.
swizzlevixen: Costume contest at the Back to the Future screening
swizzlevixen: Juice Beer
swizzlevixen: Amanda places pickes upon Flonk’s shoulders.
swizzlevixen: Blue skies in Seattle?!
swizzlevixen: SCIENCE!
swizzlevixen: Nyan Cat, and his assistant, Nyan Cat Girl
swizzlevixen: This Twi-lek means business.