swizzlevixen: The Train to Lonesome Polecat
swizzlevixen: The Tollivers and Calhouns Wait for Their Mail
swizzlevixen: Paw Calhoun steps over Joe Martin
swizzlevixen: Joe and Sally Merriwether
swizzlevixen: “Hillbilly?! Raaa-aaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaghhhh!!!”
swizzlevixen: Bianca, Esther, Chloe and Grace with Ruby Perkins
swizzlevixen: “I can explain.”
swizzlevixen: Antiquity Wormwood, Keeper of the Town Somethingerother
swizzlevixen: Iris Hutton, Shawn Gordon and Ernest Tubbs (I think?)
swizzlevixen: Sheriff Dickens gives the Calhoun boys a good talking-to.
swizzlevixen: Dwight Culver saves the day with a celebrity photo.
swizzlevixen: “Rin Tin Tin?!” “How’d you get him mixed up with Shirley Temple?” “I don't rightly know.”
swizzlevixen: All’s well that ends with a handshake deal on shared book and film rights.
swizzlevixen: The Romeo and Juliet of the Hills get married.
swizzlevixen: Bows, Iris and Shawn
swizzlevixen: Bows, The Tollivers
swizzlevixen: Bows, The Calhouns
swizzlevixen: Bows, The Romeo and Juliet of the Hills
swizzlevixen: Bows, Joe Martin
swizzlevixen: Bows, Joe Martin
swizzlevixen: Bows, Sally Merriwether
swizzlevixen: Bows, Joe and Sally
swizzlevixen: Bows, Full Cast