wontoncruelty: Babies spotted!
wontoncruelty: This tiger full of knucklebones is named Terra.
wontoncruelty: Baby goat encounter
wontoncruelty: Meeting of the minds.
wontoncruelty: Meeting of the minds.
wontoncruelty: Hide and seek with exhausted baby goat
wontoncruelty: Hide and seek with exhausted baby goat
wontoncruelty: The world's most tolerant baby goat
wontoncruelty: The world's most tolerant baby goat.
wontoncruelty: Giddyup
wontoncruelty: Giddyup
wontoncruelty: Terra and Zoloo go for a ride.
wontoncruelty: Terra and Zoloo go for a ride
wontoncruelty: Terra and Zoloo go for a ride
wontoncruelty: The ones that got away.
wontoncruelty: Cashmere harvesting
wontoncruelty: In the pen
wontoncruelty: In the pen
wontoncruelty: In the pen
wontoncruelty: In the pen
wontoncruelty: In the pen
wontoncruelty: Mucking out the goat pen
wontoncruelty: Mucking out the goat pen
wontoncruelty: Baby goat cuddles
wontoncruelty: Baby goat cuddles
wontoncruelty: Baby goat cuddles
wontoncruelty: Zoloo heading out.
wontoncruelty: Herding
wontoncruelty: Herding
wontoncruelty: Herding