``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Street Photography at Vosstaniya Square, St. Petersburg
``` Michael Bischof ```: Bangkok Street
``` Michael Bischof ```: Selling at the Evening Market
``` Michael Bischof ```: The Walk of the Monks
``` Michael Bischof ```: Crossing the Mekong
``` Michael Bischof ```: Waiting for Godot
``` Michael Bischof ```: Monk on a Stairway at the Mekong
``` Michael Bischof ```: On the Way Home
``` Michael Bischof ```: The Children from Road 13
``` Michael Bischof ```: Streets of Vientiane