m.bibelot: backyard
m.bibelot: backyard apple tree
m.bibelot: moss buns
m.bibelot: polka dots in landscape
m.bibelot: polka dots in landscape
m.bibelot: first camellia!
m.bibelot: first camellia!
m.bibelot: 2.16.08 - Meeting Mrs. Willis!!!
m.bibelot: Goodbye, Mrs. Willis
m.bibelot: wild rose bush sr. infiltrating the garage
m.bibelot: wild rose
m.bibelot: wild rose
m.bibelot: wild rose bush jr. rapidly taking over the walkway
m.bibelot: apple blossoms
m.bibelot: apple blossoms
m.bibelot: apple blossoms
m.bibelot: wild asparagus?
m.bibelot: hummingbird perch
m.bibelot: pointing at the bee
m.bibelot: bee(b) & me
m.bibelot: bee(b)
m.bibelot: apples in the making
m.bibelot: get well soon apples from our garden for mother-in-law
m.bibelot: proof that squirrels eat apples
m.bibelot: proof that squirrels eat apples